
Savitar memes
Savitar memes

savitar memes

She makes to kill Tracy, but Barry takes the ice blast and gets knocked aside. She blasts Cisco out from his hiding place in the rafters – another detail from Savitar. During the confrontation, Killer Frost eerily knows what Barry is going to say as he says it – Savitar told her everything play-by-play. That doesn’t really make much sense even for a show running on convoluted pseudo-science, but it’s the pep talk Cisco needs. Julian tells Cisco he won’t hurt Caitlin because his powers come from a place of love, not destruction.


Soon after, Killer Frost captures the DA to force Team Flash to bring Tracy to Savitar.īarry creates a plan to free Cecile. Joe breaks up with Cecile in an effort to keep her out of the metahuman madness. Cisco is afraid he might end up killing his friend, thus his hesitance to shoot Caitlin. Now, he confronts Cisco about not apprehending Killer Frost when he had the chance in both battles. Julian is upset that Cisco hasn’t located Caitlin. Cisco blames Julian for taking the necklace off in the first place. Throughout the episode, Julian and Cisco have been at odds about Caitlin’s status. HR finds her and gives her a pep talk, convincing her to help Team Flash. Tracy runs away to think…before a statue of Galileo. Also the fact that she needs to speed up her work if not someone will die. Team Flash bring Tracy to Star Labs and promptly overwhelm her with her future greatness. Barry chases the ice-surfing “white witch” around town, but ends up getting stabbed in the leg…again. It’s pretty fun watching HR and Tracy, but Killer Frost interrupts the sort-of date. To keep watch on her, they send HR to flirt with her (HR’s own doing)/ask her about her work (Cisco’s doing, via earpiece). They manage to get Tracy to CCPD, but she leaves to get food after providing her statements. Tracy is burning her research at Central City University after her too-advanced dissertation fell through, and Killer Frost has arrived to kill her. Julian thinks they are neglecting the missing Caitlin/Killer Frost, who Cisco hasn’t been able to locate. The remaining team decide to look for Tracy Brand, the physicist who helped Emo Barry trap Savitar. Wally is visiting Jesse on Earth 3 (at this time?! I guess Barry felt sorry for him after witnessing the future). Joe, caught off guard, makes things awkward and escapes via emergency call from Star Labs. Joe and Cecile went on a date/morning jog, after which Cecile drops the L-bomb. There are only three episodes left – not a lot of time to see Barry being evil. To me, it’s not so much dragging out the reveal than the time left to really explore Barry as a villain.

savitar memes

I’m doubtful of the writers’ choice to reveal Savitar’s identity so late. You’d think that a guy who calls himself the “God of Speed” (it’s crazy that a version of Barry Allen is conceited enough to call himself a god) would know better than to interact with his past self. What happened to sweet dorky Barry Allen?Īpparently, he was trapped in the speedforce by his younger self (circa-2024 Emo Barry) so he decided to get revenge by murdering the fiancée of his even younger self (2017 Barry)… Ironically, in doing so he gives his younger self the motivation to trap, well, himself in the speedforce in the first place. However, I didn’t want to believe that any version of Barry would even think of hurting Iris, much less murder. I knew it was a very real possibility after the “I am the future, Flash/I am the Future Flash” declaration. The biggest question of the season (besides “Iris West will you marry me?” that is) has been answered. Out of 100, my applications with a male name got 10 responses to interview Out of 100, my applications with a female name got 87 responses to interview The female resume got 870% more responses.The Flash episode “I Know Who You Are” aired May 2, 2017. Sometimes the male went first, sometimes the female went first. Made a fake resume, and responded to craigslist ads with both male and female names. So then I thought "what about someone looking for working class jobs?" So I decided to focus on restaurants- servers, hosting, etc. Out of 100, my applications with a female name got 45 responses to interview The female resume was 650% more likely to get a callback. Out of 100, my applications with a male name got 7 responses for interview. I'd send it out with my real name, then a few days later (or few days before) with a female name. So I took my CV and changed the name to a female name. It's MUCH better being a woman So I did an experiment, I work in CS and decided to test what the gender bias is.

savitar memes

29.7K 1.3K sent 100 applications as a man and a woman.

Savitar memes